Saturday, September 6, 2008

My comfort zone: literature that I've truly enjoyed

The type of literature that I enjoy the most has always been mystery. But not any type of mystery, the type that involves the supernatural. The first few books of that genre which I have read were probably from the Goosebumps series, which were written by R.L Stine. After reading those books I became hungry for reading more books in the same genre, but by a different author, which is when i came across an author named John Bellairs. I was fascinated while reading the stories written by him, and as soon as I finished one book I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next one.And from that point on, I began reading mostly mystery books, because the other genres didn't interest me as much.

'The Giver' is one of my all time favorite books, which is why I've always been interested in reading other Science Fiction books such as '1984'. But I would only be interested in reading Science Fiction books in which the action takes place in a Dystopian or Utopian world. That's because I find those two types far more intriguing than the other sub genres of that genre which I find far less credible.

One type of literature that I have never read is Romance, and I don't plan on reading any anytime soon because they seem to lack the mystery and suspence that I'm used to having in a book. I have also not read any Crime Fiction books, but I would like to read some in the future if I will find any that will grab my attention.


Ms.C said...

Very well thought-out! I enjoyed reading it! I am looking forward to seeing what you will be finding this week!

Maria R. said...

Well there are hybrid novels, like mystery-romance. I think most novels have to have a little bit of romance but I don't like it being the central theme. 'The Giver' sounds interesting, maybe I'll look into reading it.

Kay L. said...

1984 I heard is a good one: I just needed a second or third opinion--I'll look that up. good one Eliza..

Eliza said...

I'd definitely recommend looking into it. Last year I signed 1984 out of the library, and read the first 50 pages. But I had to return it because I was being bomarded with I.S.U assignments and I didn't have any time left for reading the novel.