Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exploring the unexplored

During the time spend at the library I've noticed that dystopian novels, as well as mystery novels tend to capture my attention. That's possibly because a book that's based on mystery, or has a slight amount of it, keeps me captivated until the very end because of wanting to find out the answer(s) behind the events that occured in the book.

What I've found the most surprising is that finding books that I'd be interested in reading takes far more time than I anticipated. Prior to starting this assignment, I thought that I could just walk down the isles at the library and find books that interest me everywhere. But i would've never guessed that the great majority of the time at the library would be spent just by picking the books, because I thought that I would not need to spend more than 10 minutes daily during the process.

While at the library, I have also been discovering some crime fiction novels which have always been a type of novel that i'd like to read. Mainly because of never having experimented with a novel like that before.

So far, I've discovered some new authors whose novels seem intriguing. One such author is Ray Bradbury, who wrote the novel, Farenheit 451. Another author that I've been examing closer up, is Stephen King. Not that I wasn't familiar with him before, I knew who he is, but I only read one of his novels until now, Carrie. And lately I've been more interested in looking into the other novels which he wrote, and seeing which one of those might be enjoyable to read.

I haven't done a lot of backround research to find out about which novels I'd like to read. But another way that I've been selecting which novels to read, is by asking friends and family members to recommend me novels which they enjoyed reading, or which they simply heard were good novels.


Ms.C said...

Enjoyment is key in choosing books, however, what you should keep in mind is that you will analyzing these books, so make sure that they will have issues and concepts you can sink your teeth into. Some plot-based novels such as Stephen King don't afford as much opportunity for analysis. :)

Eliza said...

You're right :) I remember when I picked 'Carrie' by Stephen King as my 'banned book' for the I.S.U assignment last year.It was quiet a struggle when arguing that it should not be banned, because I had a hard time while gathering significant quotes which I desperatly needed. In the end, I still did good on the assignment, but I would've made my life a lot easier if I would've picked another novel.

Ms.C said...

Through hardship, we learn valuable wisdom! We have all been there! :)