Sunday, September 28, 2008


This is the order that I'll be reading my novels in:

1. 1984
2. Farenheit 451
3. The Chrysalids
4. The Children of Men

I've decided to read 1984 first, simply becaue it's a world renowned Dystopian novel and I wanted to start off with a novel that is considered a 'classic' because I thought that by doing so, it will be a perfect way of commencing with the Dystopian genre. I'm also starting with 1984 because it's the novel that I'm most familiar with. Not because of having read it before, but because of having heard a lot about it, and having read numerous reviews on it.

Farenheit 451 is the perfect novel to read after 1984 because the two novels have one large element in common- irony. For example, 1984 the 'Ministry of Peace' deals with war, while in Farenheit 451 the firemen which reside in that futuristic society don't extinguish fires, instead they initiate them.

I thought that picking The Chrysalids will add a refreshing perspective to my novel selection because one of the main themes of this novel seems to be apperance, particularly a society's obsession with perfect apperance. I thought that this theme can be related to the current world that we live in today, which is what makes the scenario in the book so realistic.

The Children of Men is another book that I thought creates a rather credible scenario. Even though infertility is not currently a major world wide issue, it is still an issue due to the fact that infertility is indeed on the rise, and more childless couples than ever are left to turn to their only alternative- artificial reproductive technologies. This type of technology often gives them no results either. Because of that,I think that a scenario such as the one in The Children of Men seems likely to possibly occur in the distant future.


Ms.C said...

As stated earlier, The Chrysalids is not an option.

Your order is also chronological.

Eliza said...

I actually didn't realize that I put the novels in chronological order. I just came up with the order based on the similarities that the novels shared, and based on how familiar I was with each novel.

I've changed "The Chrysalids" to "Brave New World."

Ms.C said...
